8.1: Dental Indicator
8.1.1: NEET percentile scores of students enrolled for the BDS programme for the preceding academic year
List of students enrolled for the BDS programme for the preceding academic year
Institutional data in prescribed format
8.1.2: The Institution ensures adequate training for students in pre-clinical skills
Geo tagged Photographs of the pre-clinical laboratories
8.1.3: Institution follows infection control protocols during clinical teaching
Institutional data in prescribed format
Immunization Register of preceding academic year
Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD) Register
8.1.4: Orientation / Foundation courses practiced in the institution for students entering the college / clinics / internship:
8.1.5 The students are trained for using High End Equipment for Diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the Institution.
Institutional data in prescribed format
8.1.6: Institution provides student training in specialized clinics and facilities for care and treatment such as:
Institutional data in prescribed format
Geotagged Photographs of facilities
Certificate from the principal/competent authority
8.1.7: Average percentage of full-time teachers who have acquired additional postgraduate Degrees/Diplomas/Fellowships beyond the eligibility requirements from recognized centres/universities in India or abroad during last five years
List of full time teachers with additional degrees
Institutional data in prescribed format
Attested e- copies of certificates of postgraduate Degrees, Diplomas or Fellowships
8.1.8: The Institution has introduced objective methods to measure and certify attainment of specific clinical competencies by BDS students/interns as stated in the undergraduate curriculum by the Dental Council of India
Geotagged photographs of the objective methods used like OSCE/OSPE
8.1.9 Average percentage of first year students, provided with prophylactic immunization against communicable diseases like Hepatitis-B during their clinical work in the last five years.
Institutional data in prescribed format
8.1.10: The College has adopted methods to define and implement Dental graduate attributes with a system of evaluation of attainment of such attributes
Dental graduate attributes as described in the website of the College.
8.1.11: Average per capita expenditure on Dental materials and other consumables used for student training during the last five years.
Institutional data in prescribed format
Audited statements of accounts
8.1.12: Establishment of Dental Education Department by the College for the range and quality of Faculty Development Programmes in emerging trends in Dental Educational Technology organized by it.