
Student Support & Progression

Student Support & Progression

5.1: Student Support

5.1.1: Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships / freeships /fee-waivers by Government / Non-Governmental agencies / Institution during the last five years

5.1.2: Capability enhancement and development schemes employed by the Institution for students

5.1.3: Average percentage of students provided training and guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the Institution during the last five years

5.1.4: The Institution has an active international student cell to facilitate study in India program etc..,

5.1.5: The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances / prevention of sexual harassment and prevention of ragging


5.2: Student Progression

5.2.1: Average percentage of students qualifying in state/ national/international level examinations during the last five years

5.2.2: Average percentage of placement / self-employment in professional services of outgoing students during the last five years

5.2.3: Percentage of the batch of graduated students of the preceding year,who have progressed to higher education


5.3: Student Participation and Activities

5.3.1: Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at State/Regional (zonal)/ National / International levels (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years


5.3.2: Presence of a Student Council, its activities related to student welfare and student representation in academic & administrative bodies/ committees of the Institution

5.3.3: Average number of sports and cultural activities/competitions organised by the Institution during the last five years


5.4: Alumni Engagement

5.4.1: The Alumni Association is registered and holds regular meetings to plan its involvement and developmental activates with the support of the college during the last five years

5.4.2: Provide the areas of contribution by the Alumni Association / chaptersduring the last five years

Institutional data in prescribed format

Certified statement of the contributions by the head of the Institution