The PMS College of Dental Science and Research, established in 2002 is the first and premier self-financing Dental Education Institution in the state of Kerala. This Institution is a unit of NRI Service and Educational Trust established under the able guidance of our visionary Chairman Dentashreshta Dr. P.S. Thaha. The Institute is recognized by the Dental Council of India (DCI) and is affiliated to the Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS). The PMS College of Dental Science and Research is the first Dental College in Kerala with NAAC Accreditation for Health Education. Currently we have secured “A” grade under NAAC accreditation for quality health education and patient care and we are proud to be featured amongst the top 40 dental institutions in India as per the survey conducted by India Today. Our institution has dedicated the last 21 years to the creation of dental Graduates with the knowledge, skill and confidence to represent the Global Dentists of Tomorrow.
Apart from conducting BDS and MDS courses in 8 specialities, we take great pride in being recognized as a centre for Ph. D studies in 6 dental specialties by the Kerala University of Health Sciences. Our institution also harbours Para dental Courses viz Diploma in Dental Hygienist, Dental Mechanic, and Dental Operating Room Assistant as a Value Added Education program as we recognize the significant role that Para dental Professionals play in clinical practice.
Our efforts to churn out the best Dental professionals are reflected in our standing MOUs with the College of Medicine & Dentistry U.K, making our Institution a recognized qualifying exam center for MSc in Advanced General Dental Practice, internationally reputed institutions like Genova University Italy, Rutgers University USA, European Medical Laser Association (EMLA) as well as Government District Hospital at Peroorkada, Trivandrum. These eclectic collaborations contribute towards an enriched exposure in all areas of Oral Health Care for our students and teachers.
Our students always bring laurels to our institution in both academics as well as in extra curriculars. Our institution boasts of University top rank holders at both undergraduate as well as post graduate levels. With a stellar pass percentage across all years, our students have ensured a bright and outstanding future. We also have numerous research projects under the prestigious Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) short term studentship program, as part of our initiative to inculcate the value of scientific research among our students.
Our dedication to scientific research has earned us the recognition of a Scientific Industrial Research Organization by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. The Kerala Start-Up Mission (KSUM) under Government of Kerala has also approved our Institution as an innovative and entrepreneurship development center for our contributions towards innovation and research in oral health care.
Our college has been granted the prestigious 2(f) Status by University Grants Commission. This makes our institution eligible for UGC grants, Research & Development, Student Scholarships and Fellowships and indicates that our college adheres to the rigorous academic and infrastructural norms set by the UGC.
Our institution has well-trained, experienced teaching faculty and is home to excellent infrastructure facilities spreading over a plush green 3 lakh square feet campus.With dedicated departments for all the specialities of dentistry and related sciences, innovative comprehensive clinics for patient treatment and exposure for our students, a well-equipped library, hostel, Gym, yoga centre, swimming pool, turf and a buggy service for patients and students, PMS College of Dental Science and Research provides a golden opportunity for holistic growth to the students and is committed to continuously improve its system to scale new heights.
Dentistry is a profession that offers scope to combine science and creative skills to help patients put their best smile forward, free from pain and embarrassment, making it a sought after profession. How can one identify and choose from the best dental colleges in Kerala to pursue a career in dentistry? Here are some broad guidelines that can help you make your decision:
- Dental courses and specializations offered at the college
- Location of the college and its proximity to your preferred residential area
- Potential for clinical learning at local practices / hospitals
- Size and structure of the classrooms and faculty-student ratio.