
Tobacco Cessation Clinic

Tobacco Cessation Clinic


  • Patient with known tobacco habit of smoking or smokeless tobacco will be identified in Department of Oral Medicine from routine Out Patients.
  • After attending the primary complaint of the patient tobacco users will be referred from Comprehensive Dental Clinic (CDC) to Tobacco Cessation Clinic (TCC).
  • One intern from CDC will be posted in TCC on rotation basis .The patient proforma/ questionnaire regarding the attitude and intention of quitting tobacco will be filled by intern.
  • Intern should inform regarding patient to faculty in charge and a faculty/PG should attend the patient.  Faculty from  OMR, Oral Pathology, Public Health Dentistry should be called for detailed history, counselling, treatment and medication.
  • For patient counselling the service of Institutional Counselor should be utilized.
  • The attending staffs and councilors have undergone training in Tobacco cessation.
  • Maintenance and Patient follow-up will be done and Patient register to be maintained.
  • The medications and adjunct therapeutical items has to be procured and made available for sales in college pharmacy and till which prescription can be given for outside purchase.