Dr Anjana Ravindran
Total Experience
5 years
Total No. of Publications
- INVITED SPEAKER- 4 TH IPS KERALA STATE CONFERENCE, COURSE / WORKSHOP MENTORED Co-Mentored the preconference course on Implant Overdentures at the 22nd IPS PG convention at Kochi on 6th March 2020 Co-Mentored the preconference course on Digital workflow in Implant Prosthodontics at the 48th IPS National Conference at Nagpur, AWARDS FOR ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS
- Best paper presentation award for paper titled “Localised ridge defect augmentation using human pericardium membrane and demineralised bone matrix” at 8th ISPRP National Conference Held on 7th To 8th August 2015 at Mahe Institute Of Dental Science And Hospital, Kerala , India
- Best poster presentation award for “ Clinical Advantage of Magnetic Overdenture – a case report” at Dentfest 2011 IDA Kerala State Student Dental Conference held on May 28th & 29th at St. Gregorios Dental College , Kerala , India
- Best poster presentation award for “Periodontal Medicine: unraveling the link” at the SPIK midterm conference 2010 held at Govt Dental College, Trivandrum on 12th Dec 2010
- Award for best scientific article –“undergraduate student category”in Kerala Dental Journal in 2009
- SPIK State level essay competition on “Current awareness of periodontal health among public and means of improvement” conducted in October 2009 by Society of Periodontologists & Implantologists of Kerala
- Best poster presentation award for “Occupational Hazards – risks and recks in dentistry” at the 42nd Kerala State Conference held on 20, 21 n 22 November 2009 at Govt Dental College Calicut, India
- Best poster presentation award for “Imaging modalities for accurate diagnosis” at the South Indian Dental Academic Fest held at Govt Dental College, Calicut, INDIA on 20th July 2008, CHAPTER CONTRIBUTION IN BOOK Ravindran Ankathil, Vinod Nair S, Anjana Ravindran, Ranjana Ravindran Chapter on “Conspectus on nanotechnology in oral cancer diagnosis and treatment” in the book titled ” Multifunctional systems for Combined delivery, Biosensing and Diagnostics”. by Elsevier ISBN – 13: 9780323527255. / ISBN -10: 0323527256 published on 18/04/2017